When Illness Squashes All Your Dreams
Pretend I had a Magic Wand and when I waved it, I could take everything stressful away from your life. All your worries about work, family, health, relationships... *poof* GONE!
Better Health: Three *More* Ways You're Getting in Your Own Way
In Part 1 of Ways You're Getting In Your Own Way, I talked about the predicament people face in making changes in their lives. They say they feel stuck in life; not moving or …
Better Health: Three Ways You're Getting In Your Own Way
I see a lot of new clients in my psychotherapy practice who are struggling to make changes in their life. They come in with no shortage of motivation. They can see …
Are You Feeding Pain with More Pain?
There is a legendary Cherokee tale that inspires me everyday. It goes something like this: An old grandfather tells his grandson that there are two wolves that live inside …
Five Unconventional Ways to Deal with a New Diagnosis
Getting a new diagnosis brings a mixture of feelings. I was angry and sad at first. Then I got scared. I worried about my future and how my illness would change my life…
That Time I Wanted to Punch the Woman with the Ice Cream
It was the summer of 2013. I was living in Ballard, an overpriced district of Seattle with cool bars, funky shops, and a bearded dude in a flannel shirt on every corner. I had just…