How Your Mind is Making You Sicker (And What to do About it)
As humans, we are designed to move towards things that are pleasant and move away from things that are unpleasant. This skill is fantastic, especially when…
What? You're Not Happy All the Time?!
For the next 10 seconds I want you to NOT think about a pink flamingo. No, I mean it. Don't think about a pink flamingo. Or a blue one either. STOP IT! Don't even…
When Illness Squashes All Your Dreams
Pretend I had a Magic Wand and when I waved it, I could take everything stressful away from your life. All your worries about work, family, health, relationships... *poof* GONE!
Five Unconventional Ways to Deal with a New Diagnosis
Getting a new diagnosis brings a mixture of feelings. I was angry and sad at first. Then I got scared. I worried about my future and how my illness would change my life…
That Time I Wanted to Punch the Woman with the Ice Cream
It was the summer of 2013. I was living in Ballard, an overpriced district of Seattle with cool bars, funky shops, and a bearded dude in a flannel shirt on every corner. I had just…