Confessions of a Therapist With a Chronic Illness
I've come to realize that my clients value knowing that they're not alone in their suffering. So, for that reason, I offer these confessions on behalf of anyone who is chronically ill or struggling in their body.
Rumination: Why it Happens and How to Respond to It
Have you noticed that when something goes wrong, your mind becomes an extraordinary problem-finding, problem-solving machine?…
Are You Squashing All of Your Joy?
I hear this often from clients who are about to see a new doctor or try a new treatment option:
"I'm trying not to get too excited."
Wait, WHAAAAAT????!!!!
Being in Therapy Doesn't Mean You're Doing Inner Healing Work
People have peculiar ways of helping themselves. I don’t blame them. We learned how to care for ourselves from our parents and caregivers. If we weren’t taught skillful ways…
Are You Making Space for Your Illness?
Have you ever noticed how nature has this way of filling up space? Nature loathes a space, so it will fill it up if you don’t. An example is when you step in the sand…
Illness Will Point You to Your Freedom Every Time
I have noticed something remarkable in my work with clients with medical conditions - something you don't expect when getting diagnosed with a chronic illness.